Bangladesh Society of Agronomy (BSA)
At the late sixties a group of agronomists working in different organizations realized deeply to be united and come to common platform for developing their professional quality for improvement of the reality when Bangladesh Society of Agronomy was formed as a nonpolitical and non-pro!table organization.
To develop a strong base of agronomic research in Bangladesh and act as a supportive partner of agriculture extension activities.
To widen the professional understanding among the agronomists working in Bangladesh
and abroad.
To build up the professional quality by organizing workshop, symposium, seminar etc.
To publish journal newsletter, agronomic articles etc. for expanding the professional excellence of the agronomists.
At the initial stage Prof. Abdul Latif Mian acted as the frst President of the society. The society got momentum at mid-eighties. The Agronomists who served the society as president and general secretary are here.
Since establishment with many success and failure the society has now reached 46 years. At present the total number of member of the society is more than 1000 including its 517 life members.
From 1986 the society has organized fourteenth annual/biennial conventions and one International Conference along with technical sessions. The list of Conventions/Conference is given here.
BSA unites agronomists to enhance professional quality and support agricultural development. With over 1000 members, it organizes events and conventions.
Bangladesh Society of Agronomy
Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh, Bangladesh – 2202
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